Saturday, February 23, 2013

Squad Cars.

(Crack rock cervical cancer fist fights nut lumps
squad cars bloodied brothers broken wood
bite mark birth mark)

she under blanket
she with coffee mug in long fingers
the coffee cools

(Booty calls squad cars
nose drugs sun rises
candle light first sight black out)

glowing afraid to dim
remembering to glow, remembering how
taking time

(Squad cars trash cans collar bones
broken bones broken hand broken plate broken wood
broken lamp broken table
broken chair broken
dry wall dry eyed head hung

ending tables what belonged to ghosts
no respect, no water)

dance floor dance bed
music roaring waving hands on hips
a clapping, a rejoicing
heavenly light beer foam
heady refraction

dance around the squad cars!
growing to glow to glowing to grow!
mend ye old broken bones!
break ye old habits
lest ye habits break thee!
O ye in need of a mending

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